UPDATE: Monday, February 21st
No School in LaMoure due to the current poor visibility and blowing snow
Mr. Carlson
Monday, February 21st, the LaMoure School will start 2 hours late. Will reevaluate the weather conditions when light out to check conditions to make a determination for rest of the day.
Mr. Carlson
I was found, but I'm lost again. If you find me, turn me in.
State Wrestling Info
District Boys Basketball Pairings
Region 3 GBB Tourney
Good luck finding me!!!
Missing a gift card? Call or stop in Kris’ office to describe and claim.
Region 3 Girls BB Pairings- will send out a better copy if we receive one today! Zoom in 😋
Loboes Girls win District Championship
Congrats to 10 Loboe Wrestlers headed to state.
Congratulations to Wyatt Meisch. Wyatt officially signed to play golf at VCSU. Wyatt follows a long tradition of Loboe Golfers who go on to play at the next level. Good luck, Wyatt!
Addition to the Green Sheet for next week:
JHBBB at Ellendale on Tuesday, Feb 15 at 4:30 (2 games)
Part 2 of the snake and habitat displays.
4th grade is proud of their snake and habitat research. (part 1)
Missing anything? Clothing? Shoes? Glasses? Electronic device? Key fob? Stop by Kris’ office to claim between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm!
4th grade working on the 4 C's in the SmartLab. Reflecting and making improvements are coming along as well!
Class of 2022
Reminder to submit your picture to Kris.piehl@k12.nd.us
By Friday, Feb. 11 - stop in and visit with Kris if you have any questions
Congrats to Connor Johnson for being chosen as the February Language Arts Student of the Month! Thanks to The Big Cone, Ground North, Good Oil, & P’Zaz Nutrition for sponsoring prizes.
We have scheduled North Border to come to LaMoure on Saturday Feb 19th. This date will replace the Barnes County Tournament game that we lost due to weather.
LaMoure-Litchville/Marion vs North Border on Saturday Feb 19th with the JV game starting at 2:00 pm varsity at 3:30.