I am posting my supply list again for anyone who may have missed it earlier in July. For the 4th Grade Supply list, refer to my teacher page on the School's website at https://www.lamoure.k12.nd.us/teacher_pages/38713/rooms/23234
See you soon!

Football parent / player meeting will be held on Wednesday August 2nd at 5:00pm. In the old gym at LaMoure school.

Congratulations to Evan Kritzberger, who was named to the Education Standards and Practices Board in June and to Heidi Livingston, who was named to the ND Council of Mathematics Teachers this month!

Girls Intro to wrestling.
Wow! Summer has been flying by too fast! Sorry for the short notice. I know we have some girls curious about the sport of wrestling and interested in knowing more about it. We will be doing a intro to wrestling for any girls grade 5-12. We will do 2 sessions starting this Monday, July 24th from 7:00-8:30pm and again on Tuesday July 25th at same time. Location will be Loboe wrestling room. Use door 3. We will provide wrestling shoes. Wear sweats/shorts and t-shirt. We will go through scoring of wrestling and some basic drills and techniques and what to expect. If anyone has questions, feel free to give me Coach Hebl a call at 701-320-4722

Parents of the upcoming 4th grade students, at the bottom of this message, I have provided the link to my school teacher page. It has two documents for you. One is signing up for Remind app, which is a communication system. The other is the Student Supply List for 4th grade. School supplies have hit the stores, so I figured you may want a list. If your child has supplies from the previous school year, those are perfectly fine to use instead of purchasing new items. See you in August, but should you need to contact me, once you have signed up through the Remind app, you will have the ability to be in contact if needed. Enjoy July! https://www.lamoure.k12.nd.us/teacher_pages/38713/rooms/23234
If the link doesn't work, the items are on my Teacher page on the School's Website. Mrs. Carlson

LLM Coaching positions available for the fall
JH football
JH volleyball
Assistant football
If interested please contact Mr. Isaacson Lucas.isaacson@k12.nd.us

Reminder: Past 8th grade students of LHS- lock-in is Tuesday, June 13th, 2023- staring at 9:00 pm- ends at 7:00 am- bring swim suits/trunks, snacks, a little cash!

Thanks to Vision Zero ND for demonstrating to the LHS Drivers Ed students the dangers of distracted and impaired driving with Distract-A-Match and Fatal Vision Alcohol Goggles. 🚙 🚓 😫

The Little Loboes Preschool group enjoyed spending time with the 4th grade students in the SmartLab. The 4th grade exposed them to many hands-on activities in the rotations. #Learningisfun For more photos, go to this link!

Thank you to Jay Kamletz of the ND Highway Department and NDDOT for speaking to the LHS Driver Education students about winter driving! 🥶🚘

Summer P-EBT info is now available on the school website under DOCUMENTS. The folder is titled: 2023 Summer Pandemic EBT Application.
This is a ONE-TIME payment per eligible child, to those eligible for FREE & REDUCED meals this school year from DPI.
The Patrons must apply for the debit card themselves, which is loaded with a ONE-TIME pmt of 120.00 PER STUDENT.
The card/credit will come from DPI , once approved.

2022-23 LNN Broadcast #5
Loboe News Nation says farewell in its fifth and final broadcast of the school year. Stories include:
1.) LHS is Now Vision Zero 🚗✇ (0:24)
2.) Behind-the-Scenes at Prom 💃🕺 (4:06)

Ready or not, here we come Storybookland, where learning never stops! #4thGrade

The Regional Baseball tournament starts Friday in New Rockford. LaMoure/LM has a first round bye and opens play Monday at 10:00. We play the winner of New Rockford/ Sheyenne and South Border. Good Luck Loboes!

The rest of the 4th grade Rough Rider Award Winner Presenters. Again, great job kids! You did wonderful and the members in the community loved all that you presented to them. Hard work is always worth it!

Mrs. Carlson and the 4th Grade had a wonderful time in the Community presenting the North Dakota Rough Rider Awards Winners Push Button Museum. The award recognizes North Dakotans who have been influenced by this state in achieving national recognition in their fields of endeavor, thereby reflecting credit and honor upon North Dakota and its citizens. I will have two posts to have all of the student photos. The link I have has several photos with various members stopping in.

The fifth graders had their last day of art today. They are an artistic bunch!

4th grade spent the morning with Mrs. DelaBarre's Class where they made sugar cookies, and as the mixture chilled got to play games with the Seniors! Made their day! Thanks! #MemoriesMade

The 2nd graders went to Ft. Ransom State Park on Tuesday and had a blast! They got a tour of Sunne Farm, hiked (half) of Little Twig Trail, and played at the playground by the visitors center. Thank you Tyler for being our tour guide! 🌲🪶☀️

Elementary Grades 4-6 Concert/musical is tonight, 7:00PM, LaMoure School.