The 4th grade learned about a school and class in PA in the Great Mail Race. In return, they composed a letter back to tell about our great state and our community. They learned a new card game in place of Phy. Ed. and earned some Choice time, in addition to their regular classes!
Mrs. Carlson and her 4th grade students enjoyed helping the environment by filling many bags with litter on Loboe Give Back Day!
This week during Loboe Time, the high school teachers shared the reasons they continue to show up every day and do this challenging job:
A day of giving back by LaMoure Public School staff and students to our community by helping individuals, businesses, and organizations complete projects. Projects must be outdoors. Return a request form to the school or call Kelli Isaacson @ 883-5396
The LaMoure FCCLA is collecting pop tabs to support the Ronald McDonald house in Fargo. Start collecting TODAY! Contact Beth DelaBarre at LaMoure Public School for picking up or dropping off your collection.
Congratulations to Heidi Steffes for reaching 1000 kills at last night's game!
Some Dynamic Duos! Dorthy and Lion Football Players Minions Gum and Wrapper
4th grade creating theme parks that have constraints and criteria requirements. we will update with finished products later in the week!
There will be an informational meeting for all Juniors and their parents on the D.C. Trip this Monday or Tuesday night at LaMoure School at 6:00 p.m.
Please choose which meeting to attend. A parents and the junior student is highly encouraged to attend.
Mr. Carlson
No Junior high volleyball practice on Monday 9/18
Mrs. Carlson and her 4th grade class enjoyed the field trip to Whitestone Hill State Historic Site after learning about its history in class.
Work Coop Students learning on the job. Thanks to Nelson Farms and Shockman Farms for allowing these students to learn in a hands on environment.
Plant Science students getting hands on experience on with soil texture. Students learning about different soil textures classes. Making soil ribbons allow the students to see what type of soil texture class they brought in from home.
LOBOE Volleyball Apparel
LOBOE Homecoming T-shirts
The following link is the online homecoming t-shirt store.
Choose to pick up at Orriginals at checkout and your t-shirts will be delivered to the school.
All orders are due by Friday, Sept. 8, 3 pm.
5th Graders & Parents: "Beginner Band Sign-up," Wednesday, Aug. 30th, 4:30-6:00PM in the LHS music room. Please call or e-mail if you have any questions about the meeting.
We didn't start the year off with a bang, but we did start with this safety demo.
I am posting my supply list again for anyone who may have missed it earlier in July. For the 4th Grade Supply list, refer to my teacher page on the School's website at
See you soon!
Football parent / player meeting will be held on Wednesday August 2nd at 5:00pm. In the old gym at LaMoure school.
Congratulations to Evan Kritzberger, who was named to the Education Standards and Practices Board in June and to Heidi Livingston, who was named to the ND Council of Mathematics Teachers this month!